What is that hole in the spaghetti spoon for?

Guess what the hole in a spaghetti spoon is for…

We’re about to let you in on a secret that may change life in the kitchen as you know it. It’s about a manufacturing element that most of us take for granted: that big hole in the middle of the spaghetti spoon…

It makes sense to think that it’s to help the spaghetti drain when you are lifting it from the saucepan of boiling water. But, no….

It’s for measuring the spaghetti!

That’s right, you just push enough spaghetti through the hole to fit, and this is the measurement for one portion of spaghetti!

Pretty ingenious, eh? Now you don’t have to do all that guesswork by clasping your fingers around the noodles to try and work out how much to use.

Why not try it out on our spaghetti and meatball dish? Be sure to let us know how it goes in the comments below…

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